
What even is therapy?

Therapy is a type of relationship that facilitates healing, change, and growth.  Many people come to therapy wanting to know what they need to know and what they need to do.  Unfortunately, if simply knowing what to do were enough, the self-help section of the bookstore would have put the mental healthcare field out of business years ago.  Research has consistently demonstrated what seasoned practitioners have known for decades: it’s the relationship that makes therapy work (or not!).

Within that, it can be helpful to know what tools are at hand within the relationship and where else to find helpful Information.  So, here’s a bit more Information on my approach and resources I’m learning from or find helpful.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing is a 3 year training in the neurobiology of trauma and resilience and you can find out more about it here: Somatic Experiencing International 

Existential Humanistic Therapy

The Existential Humanistic Institute provides training for therapists around the world in Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy and can be found here: Existential Humanistic Institute 

Additional Resources

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on physical and mental health: SPCC

The Heartmath Institute 

Esther Perel

Dan Siegel

Brene Brown



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